Legacy of Runes

Falcon Search: Book 2 of the Chronicles of the Falconers of Nymath

Two years have passed since the young falconer, Alduin, and his beloved Reesha freed the Mist Weaver from the clutches of darkness; but an accident in the river has caused Alduin to lose his memory. He no longer knows who he is, and finds himself stumbling through unknown landscapes with a falcon he does not at first recognise. Even so, Alduin has not lost his special talent to see through the eyes of his falcon and into the future, and it is this strong bond with Reesha that gradually helps restore his memory. In a vision, he is shown images of his long-lost father in a magical place, where some believe that man and falcon can travel the path to immortality together. Alduin now has only one goal in mind: to follow in his father footsteps and also find immortality with his beloved falcon. Book 2 of the »Chronicles of the Falconers of Nymath« by Osanna Vaughn of the »Legacy of Runes« saga.
